European Green Week Primary Earth Summit

Stakeholders and Partners

As part of European Green Week this innovative project was focused on giving children and young people a voice. To first learn about plastic waste and the consequences surrounding it and then to consider solutions to one of the greatest challenges our planet faces.


Children and young people from Schools across the UK were invited to be a part of the serious debate on plastic waste. They were asked to consider solutions to tackle the issues surrounding plastic waste and shortlisted entries were invited to a summit in UK Parliament. The d cross-summit was attended by cross-sector representatives including politicians, scientists, NGOs, retailers, educators and leading plastic industries who listened to these solutions and picked the winning entry. Putting children and young people at the forefront of helping to make change happen and to show these potential change makers of the future how to go about it

  • 18,000 schools (across England)
  • Formal satellite event of European Green Week 2014
  • The 2014 Summit on plastic waste took place in UK Parliament on the 16th June. The 20 shortlisted schools presented their ideas on tackling plastic waste to a Summit panel of political representatives, scientists, NGOs, retailers, educators and leading plastic industry representatives.
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